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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  March 24, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> allow good >> morning, everyone. >> welcome to cnn this >> morning and his >> sunday, march >> 24, imam or >> walker, i'm victor blackwell. thank you for joining we asked here is what we're watching for you today. donald trump has won day to come up with a half billion dollars, is trying to cover his bond in the new york civil fraud. civil fraud case. how trump's recent truth social post, complicate things and what happens if he cannot pay their new details about the terror attack in russia that killed more than 130 people plus our world leaders are reacting to rushes. honore found claims that ukraine was involved more than 300,000 customers are without power as a winter storm moves through the northeast, we're tracking that and the chance for severe storm and a jackpots keep growing. your next shot to win up to a combined 2 billion. >> that's >> a head on cnn this morning >> tick, tick, tick every second that goes by, donald
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trump get closer to that deadline. he has just one day to post a nearly half-billion-dollar bond in his new york civil fraud case now his attorneys have asked appellate judges to reduce delay, wave the $464 million bond required to appeal the judgment the court vote has yet to reach a decision. >> but on friday, trump claimed that he does have the cash to cover that amount, but his lawyer told cnn that trump wasn't talking about the cash he has on hand meanwhile, new york's attorney general has already begun laying the groundwork to seize trump's assets and properties if he cannot pay up by the deadline. and in georgia at the top, prosecutor in the fulton county's in fulton county says that her case against the former president hasn't been delayed despite efforts by trump and his co-defendants to slow down the proceedings in a cnn exclusive district attorney fani willis defended herself after she recently avoided being dismissed from the case
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cnn's rafael romo caught up with willis victor an amara fulton county district attorney, fani willis span her saturday at an easter egg hunt. the event was put together by wave, an organization of law enforcement officers dedicated to helping children and the homeless throughout the year willis was surprisingly candid regarding questions about the last few months, all for life including her georgia election interference case against donald trump. and this candle brought about by her prior romantic relationship with a special prosecutor. she appointed for the case after everything that's happened, we wanted to know if she feels she needs to reclaim her reputation. and this was her reply. >> i don't feel like my reputation needs to be he reclaim let's say, for the record, i'm not embarrassed by anything. i've done i guess my greatest crime is i had a relationship with a man, but that's not something that i find embarrassing in any way and i know that i have not done anything that's illegal. >> the racketeering case was
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delayed by two months following the revelations about her personal life, her decision-making credibility was also damaged in the eyes of judge scott mcafee, but the embattled fulton county district attorney said the main case was not delayed because for team never stopped working on it. this is how she put it. >> know my team has been continuing to work in and i think the media and especially organizations like you are paying attention all why that was going on. we were right and responsive briefs. we were still doing the case and the way that it needed to be done i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think that there are efforts to slow down is trained, but the train is coming in. >> a cnn reported exclusively on thursday, we'll plans to press ahead with her goal of putting donald trump off on trial before the november election, according to three people familiar with her plans, she also intends to ask the judge presiding over the georgia criminal case to schedule a trial date as soon as this summer and finally, let's remember that willis is seeking to get reelected in
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november. viktor i'm back to you. >> all right. raphael raphael rama. thank you for that joining me now is jeremy saland. he is a former manhattan prosecutors. jeremy, good morning. you heard it there from fani willis that she that the train is coming for trump and his co-defendants, but she also said that she's not embarrassed for having that romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor for that, she hired. what do you think? i mean, do you think it's a good idea that she continues to talk publicly about that at least when it comes to public perception. >> i think, she needs to worry about action as opposed to distraction. i think she just needs to get into that courtroom, stay within the four corners of that courtroom. stay with that indictment. some of the charges were dismissed, but for the most part, it's still there and move this move this case forward, because all of this does not help her. august has not helped the marriage wasn't the case. stay and fighting in the courtroom, not in the media. he quiet. move forward. >> so how do you see this case?
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moot moving forward in terms of the speed, right? because it's already been delayed by a couple of months because of this here, these hearings to try to get her dismissed and then on wednesday, judge mcafee gave trump and his co-defendants permission to appeal the decision. so now the georgia court of appeals will decide whether or not to take this case how does this impact the timeline that fani willis also set out? she said that she aims to get this tried before the november election let's certainly ambitious and to her credit, but we expect it. she is working through it. she's continuing and her people are fighting on the case. fine whenever motions even be done are doing and continuing their investigation of being prepared for trial. >> but the >> reality is, there's that ten day window now that trump could appeal, of course, he has that right. now. appellate court does not need to decide, but they have 45 days to do so. so it can take time for them to make that decision. they could expedite it and move it quickly. and willis has an opportunity to put her response in as well. that's going to
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delay things not not necessarily willis working on the case, but in terms of the posture of the case, so it absolutely can be delayed in an august court date, meaning a trial. she could ask for it, whether it's grant is another story, and then you have these other competing matters. when is actually the case in manhattan? go to start. so this is yet to be seen >> let's talk about manhattan. we were just talking about the georgia subversion election case. so that obviously is a criminal trial in georgia. the new york civil fraud trial we're talking about this monday deadline that trump has to secure a bond for more than 500 million. of course they're trying to get out of this, but if you look at this truth, social post and all caps by the way, trump is saying that he currently has almost 500 million in cash. trump loves to brag about being rich, but he's trying to get out of putting, securing this bonds. so how does this undermine his credibility? >> well, he has in an all caps,
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if there was an emoji there with their hand slap to the head, if i was just counts that i would be proverbially wringing his neck because you can't argue with good faith that you do not have the means to do so pay that bond, pay that money off in fall to stop the clock ticking, to stop your assets being seas i buy cochrane ticking. i mean, he can always appeal. he has that right in terms of interests, keep on moving forward. it doesn't help him. it never helps him when he speaks are rarely maybe politically, but not within that courtroom, not with in terms of his credibility in the veracity of what he's saying. so it's really bad. looks poor at best >> what what do you think in terms of his ability to secure this bond? do you think he's going to meet this deadline, especially knowing that dozens of companies have not been willing to underwrite this >> i'm not inside that room with him, but it seems at this point would be very surprising because why has any paid that money declaring bankruptcy certainly isn't an option. it's going to look terrible for him at this point. so he doesn't really have the bond companies to come in and
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safely. they like they did was for e jean carroll. but even in that case, again, the clock is still ticking. he still paying that interest. so i would be surprised if you also comes in, so i think next step is attorney janice, she's already started to do is not just locate those assets, but freeze them and start to try to get her hands on it okay. >> so what steps is she taking and ishi first taking aim at the cash that trump has in bank accounts >> yeah, that's
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>> but much more difficult, but, but not, not, not that difficult with the real property. it just takes much more time. yeah. so isn't that so moving on to the seizing assets or property, i should say that seems to be a much more complicated and drawn out process, especially when trump has property in other states >> yeah. >> there's full faith and credit, >> so you have to go to that state and the state has to say, okay, new york's have you can do so, but they have their own internal rules. each state may do things a little bit differently, but you're absolutely correct. it's one thing to say. let me get that more logo and it's not an owned by him as a primary residence or muses as an example or is this owned by a corporation? so there's a lot of different properties that they can easily locate. it just takes so much more time to get to that foreclosure point before you can seize it. >> generally, slam. thank you so much. good to see you up next moscow is in mourning. families are grieving the loss of more than 130 people killed and a terror attack after an extended silence, here,
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putin's response, plus negotiators call it encouraging news and to push for a ceasefire in gaza where those talk stand there in doha and the conspiracy theories slowed after the princess of wales revealed her cancer diagnosis a look at how kate's announcement reduced some of that speculation >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7th at nine on cnn. >> why choose asleep numbers? smart bad. can it keep me warm when i'm cold? >> wait, no, i'm always hot. >> sleep number doesn't match can i make my side softer? >> i make my side firmer, please. >> number does that can help us sleep better and better >> speak number does that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep? now say what do it thousand dollars when you put just select speak number smartphones and an adjustable base hands monday job. now at sleep
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>> friday's terrorist attack on crocus city hall near moscow has killed at least 133 people. official say that number is expected to go up over the coming days. now, russian investigators say they have arrested and they're questioning the four gunmen who carried out the killing >> isis has claimed responsibility for the attack, but russian president vladimir putin is claiming without evidence that ukraine played a role in ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy accused a quote, miserable putin of blaming others for his problems the white house has vehemently denied ukraine's involvement. they said in a statement that isis is a common terrorist enemy that must be defeated everywhere. cnn's clare sebastian is in london with the latest four. so what's the public reaction to this attack? >> yeah, good morning >> viktor. this obviously we're seeing an outpouring of grief, of shock and restaurants being over 20 years since they've seen a terror attack on this scale. but i think it's
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interesting to look at what putin actually said. he said that he believed kyiv's that the attack is, we're trying to escape through the ukrainian border that there was a court window that was being prepared on the ukrainian border without evidence. he also didn't once mentioned isis, and we're now seeing russian propaganda and other officials pick up that thread, pointing the finger at ukraine on the one hand and also taking it further and trying to suggest that even the us might have had a hand in this taking this into one of putin's chief propagandists, a real fixture on state tv, vladimir solovyov normally, when they america sought telling us no, no, it's not ukrainian. their partly, right. it's not ukraine. it's them. is there a special services working through various sources, various methods carried out the terror attack using and deeply calculating a reaction. or more accurately, the spark, a specific reaction from russia so he has no evidence for this obviously. and as you pointed out, isis
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has claimed responsibility the us has said there's no reason to doubt that claim. ukraine has strenuously denied any involvement, but this matters because it's the same trope that we see with the war in ukraine, right? blaming not so much ukraine, but the west and in particular the us as being the ultimate decision makers. here. so i think this is something that will spark concern in ukraine that russia may use this as a pretext to escalate the tax, but also inside russia, this may step up the militarization of society and may even lead to another wave of mobilization on the pretext of doing this to stop further terror attacks in the future, vector from the very early hours they started to plant the seeds to be able to point in the direction of that ukrainian border. clare sebastian, thanks so much. national security adviser jake sullivan is scheduled to meet with the israeli defense minister tomorrow at the white house. >> there are >> expected to talk about continued efforts to get the remaining hostages held by hamas released, and the urgent
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humanitarian aid needed for civilians in gaza. >> this comes as cia director bill burns leaves doha, qatar, where ongoing ceasefire negotiations are taking place. sources tell cnn, the talks are making steady progress, but there are still differences that need to be worked out. cnn's paula hancock is joining us now from doha, where those negotiations are taking place, either paula, we heard secretary of state this week or last week antony blinken expressed cautious optimism where do these things stand now >> well, i'm really we know that the technical teams are still in place here in doha. so the the intelligence chiefs of both the us and israel have left we understand from, from one cnn analyst for rack reveal that the us had actually bridge a proposal of palestinian prisoners to be released. now this follows what we heard from hamas last week, or i should
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say about ten days ago now, they had given a counter proposal where they said what they wanted within this temporary ceasefire was to see between 701,000 palestinian prisoners released in return for a number of hostages female hostages, including idf soldiers. the sec, the wounded, and the elderly. now, we don't know what the proposal was for the number of palestinian prisoners because we do know that israel considered hamas is original offer to be unrealistic and absurd. but according to the cnn analyst that they're now waiting for some kind of response from hamas so the intelligence chiefs have left doha, the technical teams are in place. we have heard from a diplomat, briefed on these talks that though that information is accurate, but there are two elements as well that are sticking points. the entry of humanitarian aid into gaza, and also the israeli military repositioning in gaza during a ceasefire hamas has made it
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clear that they would like the israeli military to pull out completely from gaza, something israel has said that would not happen. of course, israel still wanting to carry out that major ground offensive in raffa. and the diplomat tiktok are really shift to washington early this week, we do know that the israeli defense minister will be meeting with jake sullivan on monday is expected also to meet with lloyd austin, the us defense secretary, whether discuss the hostages, they will discuss the urgency of getting more humanitarian aid into gaza but separately from that, there is a delegation. there has been invited so to speak, to us officials within the biden administration to try and convince them that there is a different way. there's an alternative to this major ground offensive in rafah, which leaders around the world are concerned about >> so much concern about that. paula hand cox, appreciate it. thanks. >> up next the biden harris
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drawing is tuesday president biden signed the government spending bill into law. this is a live look at capitol hill where the senate passed $1.2 trillion dollar package earlier saturday morning to fund three quarters of critical government operations. the president said the deal represents a compromise and as good news for americans, health care and gun laws are the top issues on the campaign trail, at least at this moment for president joe biden, vice president kamala harris. this weekend, the vice president visited marjorie stone, min douglas high school in parkland, florida. of course you remember. >> that's the site of a deadly school shooting >> on valentine's day in 2018 a meeting with families of the young victims. she also took the time to push for better gun control laws across the country. >> there are only about 21 states that have passed red flag laws >> so >> part of why i'm here today is to challenge every state
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pass a red flag law >> see how these leaders and these parents, through their advocacy, borne out of tragedy, have changed some of the laws in this state me while the president teamed up with former president barack obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi to >> tout the success of the affordable care act. this is a new 32nd ad. they warn that it could get repealed for millions if americans a millions of americans, if former president trump is re-elected joining us now is bloomberg news white house correspondent, a kayla gardner. good to see you this morning. let's start here with this video with obama, biden and pelosi we of course expected that the former president would be part of the campaign for real election post convention, but is this a one-off? we know that there's an obama clinton biden event, a
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fundraiser this week should we expect, considering the polls now to see the former president's joined a little more often in the near future yeah the former president has really been used sparingly in this campaign so far, i think they really see him as a huge endorser of >> biden and a face that americans now and they're only hoping to use him on occasion, we saw him in the midterms with john fetterman. they sort of pull him out for some of these bigger events. but as you mentioned, healthcare such a huge issue, particularly for older voters who have been shown to start to align more with democrats are particularly president biden, as they have usually aligned with republicans. and i'm just believed that he has continued to build on the affordable care act. he's given a medicare the ability to negotiate prices. he's brought down conscription, drug prices for seniors in medicare. so this is certainly an issue that he feels like his record is strong on the white house claims that more americans have medicare under president biden than in history. so this is something
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he's going to certainly continue to campaign on. and it just made sense, frankly to partner with obama. of course, this act notably called obamacare for so many. that's what it's known as. >> and this is the 14th anniversary of the affordable care act becoming law. of course, nancy pelosi got it through the house, through congress there, and former president obama signed it. let's talk now about the vice president at marjorie stone been douglas and touting 750 million in grants for states to help them implement their red flag laws. their gun control, gun restrictions, stronger gun safety laws. how much of this will play into the campaign? in strategy, we know that they're going on the message of saving democracy and a women's health care writes, this issue, how much will we hear about it? >> well, for the vice president, this is an issue that's been placed squarely in
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her portfolio. she leads the first ever office of gun violence prevention. and this has been really part of a broader strategy for harris and really focus on young voters, on people of color. we saw her at the site of this tragic shooting in parkland. of course really touting the passage of that bipartisan, safer communities act. this is just one of several laws that biden feels proud of that he worked on a bipartisan basis along with infrastructure, along with the chips act, with the debt limit crisis. so this is just another way for president biden to show that he believes that he's a leader, that he can get congress to move on some of these issues that have been in tractable for years. of course, gun violence hugely politicized, and yet they feel as though this is something that they can show to young voters to advocates, some of these advocacy groups that have been critical of their present on other issues that they can show them that they are able to get things done when things are tough and frankly, in situations of crisis in the country, you got some recent reporting out from the battleground state of pennsylvania cnn has a new poll
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out this weekend showing that the president, former president, are tied at 46 in pennsylvania. but when it comes down to a top issue here, the economy trump leads biden in pennsylvania by 14 point margin 49, 35 on the question of which candidate would better handle the economy. you what to the bellwether county of northampton? and it's a bellwether because it's one of 25 counties across the country that is pick the winner in the last four presidential elections. what did you learn from that former epicenter of manufacturing? >> yeah, we went to this bell other county, as you mentioned, that is just a handful of counties that has voted for the winter to presidential race since 2008. and this was really a manufacturing this is a thing that president biden is really centered at. his campaign is his push to renew american status as a powerhouse manufacturing, and industrial policy >> and what we heard from
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voters there is >> they're not really seeing those investments come to their community. and of course, pennsylvania is just one of these three blue wall states that democrats really believe they need in order to secure a path to the white house. and they just frankly, associate president trump with a time of economy was more stable. prices or lower and under by inflation continues, grocery prices are up 25% for pandemic. >> and so >> this is just a huge issue that biden needs to resonate with voters. they're >> seven-and-a-half months until the election day. kayla gardner. thanks so much. >> still ahead. a sobering reality we will look at how princess kate stunning cancer announcement as affecting the royal family and being received around the world with jake tapper. weekdays it for on cnn >> i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the pitcher started changing when i started on vif guard >> this guard is for adult
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ten cuno husband number one, cardiologist recommended form of koki ten kunal, the brand i trust >> your favorite rock diblock teams are back for redemption and the burst ever waterfront, homeland animation showdown. i can do this. it's time to sink or swim. >> the >> block all new monday 99 on hgtv >> right now, blizzard warnings are in effect across the central plains with more than 11 million people under winter weather alerts >> yeah, it still feels like winter out there, parts of new england saw heavy snowfall yesterday, vermont got up to two feet of snow in some areas one last chance, hopefully to enjoy winter fund before a warm-up finally, this week, we'd all just als and chin chars here with more what, how much snow? >> yeah. i spring is not end of >> here with this snowflake earrings hey, i didn't get all that much. we've been talking the whole break and then i didn't notice you're wearing snowflakes until to buy you paul and earrings.
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>> that's true. yes. for the next one, yes. but i mean, it suits the mood there is so much snow that is going to come down over the next few days now it kind of starts over the central portion of the us that's where we're focused on today. you can see it's already he snowing across montana, stretching all the way over into the up of michigan and some ice. a pretty significant ice across areas of nebraska right now, we've got a lot of winter weather alerts out. we're talking winter storm warnings, winter weather advisories, but yes, this orange, this is even blizzard warnings because it's the combination of that snow, but also very gusty winds even outside of area he's getting snow. you've got a lot of wind warnings and wind advisories and effect. you're the concern is across portions of western texas and new mexico because without the precipitation, this is going to increase the fire concern pretty significantly in some of those areas. and then a lot of those wind alerts also go farther to the east. now this system is very slow moving, so it's going to take, its time spreading all of that snowing into the midwest over the next 24 to 48 hours. so even by tuesday, it's still snowing across portions of places like minnesota, for example, look at all of this
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snow you're talking a pretty widespread area of at least eight to 12 inches of snow. that means yes, some of these areas could end up getting more snow just out of this one system then they did all of winter >> allison, you were those snowflake earrings, i think over christmas as well. so you're welcoming winter. thanks so much. alison. kensington palace says the prince and princess of wales are enormously touched and moved by the outpouring of support they have received following kate's announcement about her cancer treatment the 42 year-old mother shared in a video friday that the diagnosis was a huge shock while thankful for the public's kindness, the royals are requesting privacy as navigate through this challenging time. it's from catherine princess of wales, after weeks of speculation about her health and whereabouts she's revealed that she has been diagnosed with cancer in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london and at the time, it was
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thought that my condition was non-cancerous the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present in a video released friday by kensington palace that i hate herself revealed the shocking diagnosis. >> my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo course of preventative chemotherapy. and i am now in the early stages of that treatment this of course came as a huge shock and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family, online theories about kate's whereabouts have reached a fever pitch in recent weeks. it >> is been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family >> just days ago, she was seen at a farm shop near her home with prince william. >> it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate
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for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. >> kate has been expected to return to her royal duties after easter, a royal source said that she will now postpone further work on until she has been cleared by her medical team. >> we hope that you'll understand that as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy. >> kate's startling news comes weeks after we learned king charles is also battling cancer in january, buckingham palace said that king was having a procedure for an enlarged prostate later, the palace revealed that while charles was undergoing that treatment, a separate issue of concern was noted and tests revealed a form of cancer the king has since step back from his public duties while he undergoes treatment with just 11 working royals and only queen camilla in prince william as senior members representing the king in her video announcement friday, kate said her husband has been a solace during this difficult time, having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance to as is the love, support, and
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kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much trust, both my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy. and i look forward to being back when i am able but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery >> still ahead, authorities say religious extremism motivated a popular parent bloggers horrific abuse of her children. how newly released video and documents support the claim >> we deserve a real king because if he cannot protect this own family house, these supposed to protect us, do this myself >> come man and the lost kingdom now streaming exclusively on mac life, diabetes there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day
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>> united states of scandal with jake tapper. tonight at nine on cnn, close captioning brought to you by rule or law. iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette at rubella you never. pay for sees the deals on top before their car. job today >> attorneys in utah, i've released videos and documents related to the child abuse case
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involving popular parent blogger ruby franke the evidence includes frank's diary, which prosecutors believe reveals religious, extremism motivated frank and her business partner to inflict horrific >> abuse on her children. cnn's camila bernal is in utah with war amr viktor, authorities are saying these two women fully believed that the abuse was necessary to teach the children how to >> repent from imagined sins and to cast these evil spirits out of their bodies. the graphic new evidence includes videos, photos, any from ruby frankies hand-written journal we'll entries and they detailed is horrific abuse in one of the newly released videos, we see the moment that frankies 12-year-old son asked for help. this is after he climbed out of that window and goes to a neighbor's house asking for food, for water, and asking to be taken to the nearest police station. you know, the evidence released shows the duct tape around the child's ankles and his wrist, and we of course, know that that neighbor called police and
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described all of this to authorities. but we also have additional video that shows when police went to jodi hildebrandt house and found frankies nine daughter. authorities described that child does petrified and and hiding in a closet as well as malnourished. you can see in the video, the first responders trying to talk to her, giving her pizza and sadly, the journal entries also detail months and months of abuse, and that included making the children's stand and sleep outside, making them do wall i'll sits shaving the girl's head and at times, even with holding water, food, and oxygen franke pleaded guilty to four counts of aggravated child abuse. she was initially charged with six counts, but pleaded not guilty to two of the counts as part of a plea deal to testify against her business partner hildebrand, in her own plea agreement. also pleaded guilty to four counts of aggravated child abuse. they
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were each sentence to four consecutive sentences of one to 15 years in prison. but it's now the utah board of pardons and parole that will oversee the length of that prison sentence. and cnn has reached out to their attorneys for comment about that newly released evidence. amara viktor, camila bernal. thank you very much. up next, finland holds the top spot as the happiest country in the world, but they us finds itself lower on the list than ever before. so what is driving the drop for americans and y are finished people. so happy, we'll talk to a happiness expert next. but first the new cnn original series, vegas, story of sin city takes us on an incredible journey from the city's origins two. >> of america's most iconic figures, frank sinatra and elvis presley, both chose to get married in las vegas no.
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press lane weds priscilla and bowl and one of americans with just teenage thinking idols, promises to love, honor and obey >> think the wedding business some las vegas really is about taking something that can be very serious and maybe somewhat stuffy, making it something quirky that you can put your own spin on. and to me that says everything about las vegas >> vegas, the story of sin city eris tonight attempt pm eastern on cnn las vegas wouldn't be here if it wasn't in constant state of evolution >> he really get inaugurated a new hero for the stars. why did it get? >> vegas the story of sensitive 109810 on cnn >> next next stop no going and get >> next next. >> if you pick one, you have
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nice to hear that one country is putting it into practice, becoming the happiest country in the world. finland is the happiest country for the seventh straight year. denmark, iceland, sweden, and israel rounding out the top five, the us, however, was pushed out of the top 20 for the first time since the report was published in 2012, ranking at number 23. this is due in part to a sharp drop in happiness among young oh, people. >> so >> what is finland's secret? that's why we're talking to finish psychologists and happiness researcher frank martello. thank you so much for joining us. frank. this world report scores, things like social support, freedom, generosity, and perceptions of corruption. first off, we should say that finland has been on the top spot. now for, for seven years >> what do >> fins think of this character characterization that they are the happiest people in the world actually have to stay the
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first time feeling about nominated happiest country defeat if people were very skeptical of the results because i think the finnish >> people have this sale image that we are bit like melancholic can introverted type of people. so being happy if didn't fit very well with how thought out of themselves. so people were really skeptical, but i guess know that there have been several years people have been gotten used to the idea. >> okay. so are you buying into this that finland is the happiest country in the world? >> yes but it depends on how we define happiness. so in the survey, what they're asking people if evaluate their life on a scale from zero to 100 is the worst possible life can is the best possible life. so it's going like this. content, up to contemplating, on your life and not about like you know, just positive emotions run it like that. so i guess like if they would ask people that did you smile today or video experience joy today in that kind of survey pin and wouldn't be the top one in the world. but when it's about this
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wyatt evaluation of your life, i think then it makes sense that finland now the nordic countries are performing so well, right? >> rather than personal happiness, it's more of the big picture, right? and just, or quality of life and you say a lot of it comes down to the way people perceive their government. tell us about that and what makes finland different in terms of the way they perceive corruption, freedom, and democracy? finland >> yeah, so research has shown that lactose countries, we'd have like this well-functioning democracy. and to be countries which like therefore very well on this happiness indexes. so when there's like free press, freedom of speech, low corruption, strong rule of law, and these kind of factors that tends to predict higher happiness in the country and finland and other nordic countries are countries which tend to talk also rankings of quality of democracy and lack of corruption. so it comes down like having high-quality institutions. and then also those institutions serving the citizens. although this welfare benefits seems to be on factor that is contributing to why
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some countries have higher levels of happiness others. and finland to tends to be a counter which are quite good unemployment benefits, maturity, and patio at the leaves. three, health care and so forth. so these factors probably are the ones that explain why finland is doing so well on these people's general life? i've asian rankings, yeah, yeah, social welfare obviously plays a big role, right? because again, that goes to the quality of light that you can have in your country you know, it's interesting though, because finland and other scandinavian countries are known for your very long and dark winters and in northern finland and finish lapland does. it's called the sunsets as i understand, in late november. and the sun doesn't rise. and in many cases until mid-january, that's like i don't know, almost two months of darkness. i mean, what did that cause? a lot of unhappiness yeah, good night. >> but on the other hand,
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probably that like balances itself out during the year because then when the spring comes, when then it's like very much sunshine. and so forth. so probabilities according to research, is whether like changes in weather is, seems to be some that affects people's happiness so the first sunny day after a long and dark barriers that probably make you happier on a yearly basis, then the weather doesn't seem to have much effect on people's happiness in them. so even with the long dark winters, people tend to be relatively satisfied their lives. >> okay. i haven't been wrapped, but i have to ask you, frank, maybe in a sentence which i don't know if as possible what is the key to happiness? how can we all be happy >> accept the things that you cannot cannot change, and then focus your attention on those things that you can chase and try to also think about your only about yourself, but also think about others and making other people happy. because often one key way of making yourself is happy to try to focus on making other people around. you are happy very wise words. frank martel, great to have you. thank you so much


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